Aquesta setmana finalment he pogut penjar la cinquena entrega del meu videoblog. Feia temps que volia encetar aquesta aventura, però el fet de què el pes l'haguem posat en d'altres xarxes socials no m'ha ajudat gens. Com sempre, tot és una qüestió de temps, del temps que disposes, del temps que pots dedicar al que fas. Tinc ganes de centrar-me més en allò que m'agrada i deixar d'estar dispers, oferint les meves energies d'una manera desequilibrada.
Així que us presento la sèrie de vídeos que aniré penjant. El primer va ser aquest que hi ha sota aquestes línies. Va ser una prova una presentació que potser és molt llarg, que té problemes amb l'audio, però que va ser una manera de començar, de llançar-se a la piscina.
En aquest vídeo ensenyo el meu camí fins a la Fundació Miró des de Sants Estació, un projecte en el que he estat treballant des de principis d'any. Estic ja en els últims detalls, en els més importants, així que no s'ha de defallir.
This week I could finally upload the fifth episode of my vblog. I had long wanted to start this adventure, but the fact that the weight we put on other social networks did not help anything. As always, everything is a matter of time, whereas you have, while you can spend in what you do. I want to focus more on what I like and stop being dispersed by offering my energies unevenly.
So I present a series of videos that will go uploading. The first was the one who is beneath these lines. It was a test presentation, it is perhaps too long, it has problems with the audio, but it was a way to start, a way to begin this new adventure.
In this video I show my way up to the Miró Foundation from Sants Station, in a project I've been working since early this year. I'm already in the last detail, in the most important, so you should not lose heart.
Dibuixant tant ràpid com puguis / Drawing as fast as you can
Darrerament veig que això de dibuixar puja i puja molt. El fet de dibuixar en un quadern, en una llibreta resulta molt atractiu i sobretot el fet que ha esdevingut una acte social. Dibuixar junts sembla ser una bona manera d'aprendre i ho és però al final aquesta activitat s'ha de practicar. S'ha de dibuixar molt, moltes hores, com tot. En aquesta entrada volia parlar del vídeo que trobeu sobre aquestes línies, però el fet de llegir diversos articles sobre el fet de què hi han més i més cursos sobre urban sketching m'ha fet reflexionar. Per mi l'urban sketching, cosa que s'ha anat definint amb el pas d'aquests darrers 9 anys, el proper any es celebraran els 10 anys d'Urban Sketchers, no només és dibuixar sobre un quadern, és molt més, és dibuixar i explicar històries.
Mentre hi ha gent que agafa un quadern i escriu per explicar històries, jo el que faig són dues coses dibuixar i escriure. Potser aquesta darrera és la que més ens costa, potser és perquè hem perdut el costum d'escriure. Ho entenc, jo em considero una persona visual, i en aquesta societat de la imatge som uns "homo videns" i uns "homo ludens", imatges i diversió a dojo.
És per això que us animo a no només dibuixar, afegiu text, escribiu en els vostres quaderns, no perdeu l'oportunitat de dir coses. Coses que no siguin evidents, coses suggerents, pensaments que siguin una espurna per encendre la curiositat.
Lately I see that drawing is going up and up. The act of drawing in a pad, a sketchbook is very attractive and especially the fact that it has become a social event. Drawing together seems to be a good way to learn and it is but in the end this activity must be practiced. You have to draw many, many hours, like everything. In this post I wanted to talk about the video you find above, but after reading several articles on the fact that there are more and more courses about urban sketching made me think. For me, the Urban Sketching, which has been defined with the passage of the last nine years, next year will celebrate 10 years of Urban Sketchers is not only drawing on a notebook is more is draw and tell stories.
While there are people who take a notebook and writes to tell stories, what I do are two things to draw and write. Perhaps this last is the most difficult for us, perhaps it is because we have lost the habit of writing. I understand, I consider myself a visual person, and this image society we are "videns homo" and a "homo ludens", images and fun in abundance.
That is why I encourage you to not only draw, add text write down in your notebook, do not miss the opportunity to say things. Things that are not obvious, things suggestive, thoughts to be a spark to ignite curiosity.
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New ink for my fountain pens and brushes
Yesterday I received a parcel with three new bottles of black ink. It is waterproof and it has plenty of colours, probably not as much as Noodler's but they are really nice and quite safe from impurities. This is the reason I have decided to use it in my brushes.
I refill my fountain pens and brushes cartridges with a syringe. It is preferable that you use one for each colour if you do not want to pollute brighter colours with darkest.
Here it is an sample with blue grey ink. I have refilled five brushes with blue, green, red, a mixed of blue and red and finally with black ink.
Here it is a detail from the drawing from above. I love how ink behaves, it is like watercolour. It is also important which paper do you use. Here I have used a Leuchturm 1917 sketchbook. It is not suitable for wet media but it stands the use of ink as you can see.
Drawing in Châtel-Guyon for Route de Villes d'Eaux 2/2
Last days in Châtel-Guyon where really a bit stressful, but I needed to take a break and on Saturday morning I decided to go and draw a tractor a wonderful Ferguson - 30. From the old days when Châtel-Guyon still kept some farmers from its old days.
I draw this tractor because sometimes you must to pay an homage to someone who has given and share so much to everybody. This person was Florian Afflerbach. I met him in Lisbon in 2010, we didn't talk too much to each other because I'm a shy person with those who I see as a model, and now I regret it to myself. He was one of the formers founders of Urban Sketchers. He was an architect but he didn't fit to nowadays architects profiles, who mainly do not draw. They just use computers. Anyway, he was really fan of drawing cars and he and Lapin were about to teach a workshop in the Manchester Urban Sketchers Symposium. It is a shame but his artwork and wise teaching remains among many of us. Thank you so much!
Eating in France has become a really nice experience, I have enjoyed plenty of great french dishes, plenty of good cheese and plenty of good wine. Every day at Châtel-Guyon, I had supper and breakfast at the Hôtel Spa Thermalia were I was delighted with for instance choux à la crème as a dessert or lobster... Before I left Châtel-Guyon I decided to eat at Villa M, great experience eating croustillant de Saint Nectaire, salade de jeunes pousses, suprème de Poulet fermier Label Rouge, Curry doux, Épeutre et Lentilles Corail. Finally as a dessert I choose un petit pot façon Viennois, Chocolat, Chantilly à la Banane Verte.
Before I left Châtel-Guyon and my hotel, Hotel Spa Thermalia, I wanted to get an idea of my all my work done along five days. Hard work indeed but really pleasant. Nevertheless, I had to draw a last sketch, the one of rue Baraduc with the market. full of people and stalls, with different regional products or clothes. There was also a band which was part of the Jazz Festival, Jazz aux Sources.
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Il faut aller voir,
Route de Villes d'Eaux,
Urban Sketchers
Drawing in Châtel-Guyon for Route de Villes d'Eaux 1/2
One week ago I arrived to Châtel-Guyon, I was received by the owner and the receptionist, Michel, of my hotel and I was really pleased by their warm welcome. I felt tired of long, long trip by car and I arrived just in time to have supper.
I had experience ups and downs with my drawings. People say that drawing and arts are for having fun, of course they are for that but also to experience frustration, it is part of the learning process, it is part of being a person. Here there are some of those which have been part of May learning process:
Along the journey I also drew some sketches of my meals. They were just some snack, something fast to hit the road as quick as I could.
All the days I have spent in Châtel-Guyon have been a bit wet, most of my journeys was so. Fortunately I had the chance to change my plans from outdoor sketches to interior drawings. Like the theater. A really nice and refurbished building thanks to the people's funding which raised enough money to get a brand new building.
But my first sketch was on the top of mount of the Calvary. I couldn't finish it because I had a meeting with Elisabeth the tourist office director's and president of the Jazz festival.
I needed a second chance but it wasn't the best one because weather, as I have mention before, was a bit fuzzy, rain, wind, sun, hot, freezing,... Everything in just a question of hours.
Road to Brighton Workshop!
We are almost there and we are preparing our leaflets and introducing with some tips about drawing people. Here it is mine but you can find more tips from Isabel and Rolf here. And more information about prizes, timetable, contents,... here:

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Pushing Your Sketching Boundaries,
Urban Sketchers,
If you are seated next to an emergency exit...
Last week when I took my plane to the UK I was asked to move to a seat next to the emergency exit. Flight attendant also asked me to read all the step by step in case of an emergency. I decided to draw it using myself as the main character.
There are plenty of people scared when they take a plane, I'm not. Maybe it is the way I am, maybe is that I feel like I'm taking a bus. Nevertheless, I'm lucky because most of the time I'm drawing and I'm worried about my leaking brushes, because of the pressure inside the cabin, and all these worries keep my brain busy.
After having a look to the emergency guidelines I felt a bit worried but then I saw it from the funny side. Hieratic figures of the original step by step were like "ok, we have suffered a flight crash but everything is fine." In some way figures and situation didn't fit to each other. I imagine something like "Lost" scenes where all the passengers started shouting and hand luggage was floating around.
Once I started my step by step I stopped because flight attendants started their play. Yes, that one that you should followed even if you are a regular traveller.
Life vest and oxygen mask are cool. Don't you think that a theme park about "fake emergency situations" would succeed? Human being is quite complicated, aren't we?
There are plenty of people scared when they take a plane, I'm not. Maybe it is the way I am, maybe is that I feel like I'm taking a bus. Nevertheless, I'm lucky because most of the time I'm drawing and I'm worried about my leaking brushes, because of the pressure inside the cabin, and all these worries keep my brain busy.
After having a look to the emergency guidelines I felt a bit worried but then I saw it from the funny side. Hieratic figures of the original step by step were like "ok, we have suffered a flight crash but everything is fine." In some way figures and situation didn't fit to each other. I imagine something like "Lost" scenes where all the passengers started shouting and hand luggage was floating around.
Once I started my step by step I stopped because flight attendants started their play. Yes, that one that you should followed even if you are a regular traveller.
Life vest and oxygen mask are cool. Don't you think that a theme park about "fake emergency situations" would succeed? Human being is quite complicated, aren't we?
Usually I draw an indoor landscape or I pay attention to my flight mates but this time I decided to spent my flight drawing an step by step. Here there are some steps.
While draw the step by by I decided to keep myself with the same mood that the original does. It is an emergency, ;-)
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Pushing Your Sketching Boundaries,
step by step,
United Kingdom
After Coventry Workshop Segovia
I have never been in Segovia until last Easter Break. I went there because Isabel Carmona invite me. My family and I went there and visit a nice but not so touristic as Toledo. It is a great city to enjoy with plenty of monuments and secret stories behind, most of them told by stones.
Before leaving Barcelona I had two request one from Isabel and the other from Santi Sallés. Isabel asked me to buy plenty of different liquid watercolors from a catalan brand called Vallejo. They produce nice colors but some of them, unfortunately, fade with UV light. After wandering along some art shops I found all of them. Then, secondly, Santi asked me to bring to him a Noodlers, the Heart of Darkness or the Lexington Gray. None of the Noodlers inks are easy to find in the UK even in London so I couldn't accomplish his request. Anyway I found three nice felt tip pens which are quite useful for drawing and they stand watercolor washes.
Segovia is quite handful and easy to go everywhere by foot. It is a city which in Easter Break is bit busy with plenty of people coming just for enjoying the old and traditional processions. Virgins and crucified Christ were strolled around. We visited places as the old Vera Cruz Church. A romanesque church which was founded by the knights templars in the 1208. What is really appealing is the 12 sides plant.
Segovia is really well-known because its roman aqueduct. What a great place, intricate, complicate but wonderful… Light in Castilla is
Before leaving Barcelona I had two request one from Isabel and the other from Santi Sallés. Isabel asked me to buy plenty of different liquid watercolors from a catalan brand called Vallejo. They produce nice colors but some of them, unfortunately, fade with UV light. After wandering along some art shops I found all of them. Then, secondly, Santi asked me to bring to him a Noodlers, the Heart of Darkness or the Lexington Gray. None of the Noodlers inks are easy to find in the UK even in London so I couldn't accomplish his request. Anyway I found three nice felt tip pens which are quite useful for drawing and they stand watercolor washes.
Segovia is quite handful and easy to go everywhere by foot. It is a city which in Easter Break is bit busy with plenty of people coming just for enjoying the old and traditional processions. Virgins and crucified Christ were strolled around. We visited places as the old Vera Cruz Church. A romanesque church which was founded by the knights templars in the 1208. What is really appealing is the 12 sides plant.
Segovia is really well-known because its roman aqueduct. What a great place, intricate, complicate but wonderful… Light in Castilla is
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Pushing Your Sketching Boundaries,
Frederic Marés al 50é Sketchcrawl
English version / versión en Español
Ja fa uns quants anys que vaig als Sketchcrawl i la meva experiència ha anat canviant. De ser uns 5 o 6 hem acabat sent, normalment, uns 60 o 70. El màxim que ens hem reunit han sigut unes 500 persones el dia de l'Sketchcrawl que va coincidir amb el simposi a Barcelona, ara ja fa 3 anys, però no és el normal. Per mi molta gent és massa i poca gent està bé, tot i que les 60 o 70 persones que van venir aquest darrer Sketchcrawl va estar bé. Al final, sempre, tot és una qüestió d'organització.

En Santi va proposar que es fés aquesta vegada a la Plaça Catalunya per dibuixar un lloc emblemàtic. Ja sabem que pot arribar el pitjor lloc per a un barceloní, tot ple de turistes, de coloms i venedors de globus. Però al final no va estar tan malament. Només començar ja erem uns 30, però la gent es va anar afegint al llarg del matí.
Per mi Plaça Catalunya és un lloc on de petit en van fer una foto donant de menjar als coloms. És un bon record, i encara avui es continua fent. Ara veig als coloms d'una altra manera. Ara la gent es fa fotos amb pals de "selfie" i la Plaça s'ha convertit en un lloc on els "top manta" intenten sobreviure. Els senyors que venen begudes i gelats són paquistanesos. Tot ha canviat, però tot continua igual.

El globus són pels nens un reclam, no falten aquells dels personatges que surten a la televisió com el "Pocoyo" o les princesses de Disney, "Bob Esponja" i la resta d'animals imprescindibles. Els coloms volten per tot arreu, pidolant menjar.
La parròquia de Sta. Anna des del carrer Sta. Anna. A la dreta escultura a Barcelona de Frederic Marés.
Un cop hem dibuixat durant les primeres hores a plaça Catalunya ens dirigim a la parròquia de Sta. Anna, amagada però cada vegada més coneguda. Ara ja fa uns 3 anys van començar a cobrar entrada per visitar el claustre romànic. Des de llavors no he tornat a entrar. No vull entrar en el debat etern i estèril de si Barcelona és pels turistes o pels barcelonins, queda clar que ja fa temps que Barcelona ha deixat de ser pels seus habitants, com totes les grans ciutats europees, Barcelona, com Londres o París, ha caigut en les mans dels tour-operadors.
Parròquia de Sta. Anna. Detall de la façana il·luminada parcialment. Alguns turistes despistats treuen el cap.

L'escultura representa a una jove a cavall, Barcelona, que amb els braços alçats sosté un vaixell, que representa el passat i el present comercial i marítim de la ciutat. Aquest aspecte comercial està reforçat amb la figura de Mercuri "déu de la mitologia romana, que era el missatger dels déus,[1] protector del comerç, fill de Júpiter i Maia Maiestas. Era un déu important dels negocis, els beneficis i el comerç. El seu nom està relacionat amb Merx-rcis: mercaderia, article, gènere." (font la viquipèdia).
Tallers de dibuix i dibuixos al llarg del 2016 / Talleres de dibujo y dibujos a lo largo de 2016 / Workshops and drawings along 2016
Se suposa que aquí havia d'haver-hi dos discs durs / Se supone que tendría que haber dos discos duros
Aquesta entrada se suposa que havia d'haver-se publicat la setmana passada però el 2016, només començar, m'ha ensenyat una cosa: fés backups dels teus disc durs i no confïis en el sistema RAID 1 o conegut també com discs durs emmirallats. Vigileu i no perdeu feina i records. Ara tinc dos durs en una botiga de recuperació de dades. He creuat els dits!
Esta entrada se supone que debía haberse publicado la semana pasada, però el 2016, nada más empezar, me ha enseñado una cosa: haz backups de tus discos duros y no confíes en el sistema RAID 1 o también conocido como discos duros reflejados. Vigilad y no perdáis vuestro trabajo y recuerdos. Ahora tengo dos discos duros en una tienda de recuperación de datos. ¡He cruzado los dedos!
This post was supposed to have been published last week, but 2016, at the very beginning, has taught me one thing: do backups of your hard drives and do not trust in system RAID 1 also known as mirrored hard drives. Watch and do not lose your work and memories. Now I have two hard drives in a store data recovery. Fingers crossed!
Un cop esmentat el problema dels discs durs ja podem encetar els objectius dels 2016
Dibuixar i la docència és la meva vida i després de llegir les entrades de Liz Steel i Parka un munt de coses són més clares. Estic content per ser una persona que treballa en allò que s'estima com ells. Jo estic més o menys com ells en la mateixa situació, però ells han treballat dur mantenint el bloc actualitazat, no com jo. Per això la meva promesa d'Any Nou, o una d'elles, és mantenir al dia tant com pugui el meu blog. Com Liz Steel diu la seva entrada els blocs no estan morts, però exigeixen un gran compromís i molta feina. Per últim però no menys important, i això ho prenc directament de l'entrada de Liz Steel:
"La docència és la primera manera de donar-me suport, de moment."
Per això gràcies per tenir-me present i gràcies per compartir els vostres pensaments amb mi. Espero
Dibujar y la docencia es mi vida y después de leer las entradas de Liz Steel y Parka un montón de cosas son más claras. Estoy feliz por ser una persona que trabaja en lo que se estima como ellos. Yo estoy más o menos como ellos en la misma situación, pero ellos han trabajado duro manteniendo el bloque actualitazat, no como yo. Por eso mi promesa de Año Nuevo, o una de ellas, es mantener al día tanto como pueda mi blog. Como Liz Steel dice su entrada los bloques no están muertos, pero exigen un gran compromiso y mucho trabajo. Por último pero no menos importante, y esto lo tomo directamente de la entrada de Liz Steel:
"La docencia es la primera forma de darme apoyo, de momento."
Por eso gracias por tenerme presente y gracias por compartir vuestros pensamientos conmigo. espero
que todas y todos disfruten todo lo que comparta con vosotros.
Drawing and teaching is my life and after reading Liz Steel and Parka's posts a lot of things are clearer. I feel happy for being a person who's working on something that I love like them. I'm more or less in the same situation, but they have really worked hard keeping a blog updated, not like me. So my New Year's resolution, or one of them, is to keep updated as much as I can my blog. As Liz Steel mentions in her post blogs are not dead, but they demand a lot of commitment and hard work. Last but not least, and I take it directly from Liz Steel's post:
"Teaching is my main way of supporting myself, at the moment."
This is the third year of participating on a great project where sharing our knowledge about drawing is our main goal. I strongly believe that it should be practiced by
So thank for keeping me in your mind and thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I hope you enjoy all the things I will share with you all.

Aquest 2016 ja hem començat amb un altre taller que serà a Newbury amb la Inma Serrano, la Isabel Carmona i jo mateix.
Uno de los proyectos que estoy trabajando es "Pushing Your Sketching Boundaries" con Isabel Carmona. Hemos organizado tres talleres (Coventry, Óxford y Segovia) con un gran éxito.
Ahora hemos comenzado 2016 con un taller en Newbury con Inma Serrano, Isabel Carmona y yo.
One of the project I'm working on is "Pushing Your Sketching Boundaries" with Isabel Carmona. We have organized three workshops (Coventry, Oxford and Segovia) with a great success.
Now we have started 2016 with a workshop in Newbury with Inma Serrano, Isabel Carmona and myself.
Ahora hemos comenzado 2016 con un taller en Newbury con Inma Serrano, Isabel Carmona y yo.
One of the project I'm working on is "Pushing Your Sketching Boundaries" with Isabel Carmona. We have organized three workshops (Coventry, Oxford and Segovia) with a great success.
Now we have started 2016 with a workshop in Newbury with Inma Serrano, Isabel Carmona and myself.
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One Day Sketching,
Pushing Your Sketching Boundaries,
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