Curs de dibuix a Sant Lluc /Curso de dibujo en Sant Lluc/Drawing course

Miguel Herranz (TCC Freekhand) i jo impartirem un curs de dibuix al carrer, de com enfrontar-se a la realitat d'allò que ens envolta i dibuixar-la; aquí teniu la captura de l'oferta si féu clic a sobre d'ella anireu a la plana del Cercel Artístic de Sant Lluc i us podreu apuntar. Parlarem de referents, d'eines,... i sobretot dibuixarem i reflexionarem sobre los resultados de nuestros paseos por Barcelona.

Miguel Herranz (TCC Freekhand) y yo vamos a impartir un curso de dibujo en la calle, de cómo enfrentarse a la realidad que nos envuelve y dibujarla; aquí tenéis la captura de la oferta, si hacéis clic sobre ella iréis a la página del Cercle de Artístic de Sant Lluc y os podréis apuntar. Hablaremos de referentes, de herramientas,... y sobretodo dibujaremos y reflexionaremos sobre los resultados de nuestros paseos por Barcelona.

Miguel Herranz (AKA Freekhand) and me are going to teach an urban drawing course, how to face reality which surround us and drawing it; here it is a screencapture if you click over it you'll be lead to the Cercle Artístic de Sant Lluc homepage, and there you could register. We will speak about references, tools,... and above all we will draw and think over our outcomes from our Barcelona's walks.

Speaking about drawing at Sant Lluc School / Hablando sobre el dibujo en la escuela de Sant Lluc

After being invited by monsieur Lapin and el señor Sagar to give a speech about how I draw and what is drawing to me, I felt a bit scared. But after being speaking for a while everything I had been thinking about the weeks before came out. I hope I was at least a help for all the people was listening to me.

After I started my speech Lapin and Sagar introduced me and the work I'm on right now.
When I finished I showed my latest drawings and I asked some doubts and questions. It was pretty interesting because they were worried about if I always work directly without making first lines with a pencil or not. And the answer is right now I work without previous lines.

Then all the people drew their notebooks and showed their sketches and drawings from the last session held at the "Palau de la Música".

Then we went to "La Ciutadella" and started drawing. I spent my time taking pictures of such great bunch. But if you want you check here for more pictures.

What could have been

Right now I have read this:
"Blik, the world's first removable wall graphic company, is teaming up with Doodlers Anonymous for this next big showcase and we are jumping up and down because of it. But take note: This challenge is a sticky one!
Have you ever wanted to go crazy on your wall with a fat marker? Well, here's your chance. Our wall is your canvas. Just download the hi res image of our studio (provided below) and place your artwork on it. The winning drawing will be turned into a wall decal to be sold as a 100-piece limited edition. All thanks to Blik!
Doodle it up... The wall's the limit."
But I've missed it. What a pity!

This could have been my proposition.

Is coming

Lately I have not been posting very often, but there a big reason and very soon you'll have news about it. Just a clue it has got covers and pages inside. What is it? For now I uploud one of my latest sketches from "Again on the train" series.


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