Memories from Clermont-Ferrand. Gérard Michel.
I'm happy of having met Gérard Michel one of the most gifted person for drawing. Inma Serrano called him when we met him the "plotter", "plotterman". It is wonderful the way he draws and uses lines. I met him in Málaga, thanks to Cristina Urdiales who organized a course about Urban Sketching. Well, I met again Gérard and he always has smile in his face and his drawing are amazing. We share sometime a supper and a wonderful car, but this is a different story. What I wanted is to introduce his book abou Liège his home city.
It is a compilation of wonderful buildings with line or watercolour or just one of them. It is interesting because his background is architecture but his approach, even it could seem cold, is vivid.
It is a compilation of wonderful buildings with line or watercolour or just one of them. It is interesting because his background is architecture but his approach, even it could seem cold, is vivid.

New Sketcher, ZARAGOZA!
Here it is the new Sketcher. This latest issue is about Zaragoza, but there are more articles about many more features about drawing on location.
Carnet de Voyage. Una Barceloneta, by Imapla
First time I see it I was really impressed because I never did it that way and it is so interesting her approach that I can not say nothing but, Great work!
I love the way she uses typographies and line artwork, overlaping people, buildings and places. Actions overlay to buildings, but when buildings are alone they stand static, only human traces are clear, just lines.
I love the way she uses typographies and line artwork, overlaping people, buildings and places. Actions overlay to buildings, but when buildings are alone they stand static, only human traces are clear, just lines.
Agenda escolar / School diary
Aquesta és l'agenda de la meva filla. Fins ara no havia pogut veure el resultat. Em van demanar des del meu antic col·legi dibuixar tots els centres de primària de la meva ciutat. Va ser complicat encabir la il·lustració amb tots els elements de la maquetació final. Ja que aquest any les escoles participen amb els seus gegants en l'esdeveniment local d'acolliment del gegants d'escola, i s'havien d'afegir els tres gegants dibuixats pels nens i nens de les escoles.
This is the school diary of my daughter. So far I have not seen the result. I was asked by my last school to draw all the primary centre of my city. It was difficult to fit the illustration with all elements in the final layout. This year, schools are involved with local event devoted to host school giants, and this is why three of them should be placed on the cover.

Aquest ha estat un dels encàrrecs més difícils que he hagut de fer. Però estic content que ja estigui en les mans de tots els nens i nenes.
This has been one of the most difficult assignments I had to do. But I am glad that it is all in the hands of children.

El col·legi del Can Bosc va ser el primer dibuix que vaig fer. Tothom coincideix en què el fet de tenir un petit bosc dintre del mateix recinte el fa especial. Jo em vaig trobar en el dilema de com fer-ho i per mi aquest és el millor punt de vista amb els arbres en primer pla i darrera l'edifici del centre. El
Bosc School was the first drawing I made. Everybody agree that its little forest inside the school area makes it special. I had the dilemma of how to face it and decided that the best point of view was this one with huge trees in the foreground.
Can Serra, a la meva época, era el col·legi a batre en les jornades esportives. En algun moment va haver un estudi d'arquitectes que van decidir fer tots els col·legis i instituts de secundària de totxo. No obstant en aquella época al centre hi vivia el conserge, l'encarregat del manteniment i de què els nens i nens respectessin el centre.
Can Serra, in my school days, was the school to beat in the sport week. I practice hockey and we played a match against them. It was quite unfair because we were younger than those from Can Serra. Drawing the building I notice that the building is from a time where bricks were a sign from some architecture studio. Every school was made with the same elements and they had not its own personality. After years it has changed but the bricks stay. There still remain janitor's house then they lived at the school, he was in charge of the keeping of the building and children respect it.
La il·lustració del Marta Mata va ser potser la més delicada, perquè el centre no existeix i està convivint en el mateix espai amb l'Elisa Badia. No és una situació agradable perquè dos centres en un mateix edifici, amb dues direccions, amb dos AMPAs i amb un nombre ingent de nens i nens és complicat. És per aquesta raó que vaig proposar fer el dibuix del solar, l'espai on hauria de ser ja construït el col·legi. Era, per mi, la millor manera de reivindicar un edifici i deixar constància d'un moment i una realitat.
Marta Mata's illustration was the most picky, because there no building at all. They are sharing room with Elisa Badia School. It is not a nice situation because two schools in the same building, two headmasters, two parents association, and huge number of children is quite complicated. This is why I decided drawing the empty space where it is suppose to be built the new school. From my point of view, was the best way of stating this lack and show a moment, a reality.
El Miquel Martí i Pol és el meu segon centre (ho sento noies i nois el meu primer centre és l'Elisa Badia em tiren els records d'infantesa). El col·legi on vaig estar fent classe fou, en realitat, el primer que vaig dibuixar ja en el seu moment i aquest dibuix va ser l'origen d'aquesta sèrie. La Blava és com l'anomenen, igual que la fàbrica on va treballar el poeta Miquel Martí i Pol. Aquest ja és un centre de nova construcció amb un nou estil, allunyat del totxo. Però mal dissenyat, ho sento, a l'estiu fa una calor horrible. Tan difícil és fer un centre ben pensat? Tot i això me l'estimo molt.
Miquel Martí i Pol is my second favorite centre (I'm sorry girls and boys, my first one is Elisa Badia, my childhood memories are quite strong). It is the last school were I was teaching and, in fact, was the first illustration and it was the cause of the series. La Blava (The Blue) is how it is called, as the factory where Miquel Martí i Pol, the poet, worked once in his life. It is a new school, no bricks. Nevertheless it has the same problems, it has a bad design, I'm sorry, in summer time hot is horrible. Is it so difficult to think in such a important details? Anyway I love it.
El Picasso és el centre que menys coneixia, tot i el seu nom, però durant el temps que vaig estar dibuixant els nens i nenes no van para de preguntar-me què estava fent, si ho havi fet jo, que per què era,...
Gràcies Yaiza i tots els directors i directores dels centres de Barberà del Vallés!
Picasso School is the most unknown for me, even its name, but when I was drawing it children where asking me questions like: What is it for? Have drawn it?, What are you doing?…
Thanks to Yaiza and all the Barberà del Vallès' School!
This is the school diary of my daughter. So far I have not seen the result. I was asked by my last school to draw all the primary centre of my city. It was difficult to fit the illustration with all elements in the final layout. This year, schools are involved with local event devoted to host school giants, and this is why three of them should be placed on the cover.

Aquest ha estat un dels encàrrecs més difícils que he hagut de fer. Però estic content que ja estigui en les mans de tots els nens i nenes.
This has been one of the most difficult assignments I had to do. But I am glad that it is all in the hands of children.

El col·legi del Can Bosc va ser el primer dibuix que vaig fer. Tothom coincideix en què el fet de tenir un petit bosc dintre del mateix recinte el fa especial. Jo em vaig trobar en el dilema de com fer-ho i per mi aquest és el millor punt de vista amb els arbres en primer pla i darrera l'edifici del centre. El
Bosc School was the first drawing I made. Everybody agree that its little forest inside the school area makes it special. I had the dilemma of how to face it and decided that the best point of view was this one with huge trees in the foreground.
Can Serra, a la meva época, era el col·legi a batre en les jornades esportives. En algun moment va haver un estudi d'arquitectes que van decidir fer tots els col·legis i instituts de secundària de totxo. No obstant en aquella época al centre hi vivia el conserge, l'encarregat del manteniment i de què els nens i nens respectessin el centre.
Can Serra, in my school days, was the school to beat in the sport week. I practice hockey and we played a match against them. It was quite unfair because we were younger than those from Can Serra. Drawing the building I notice that the building is from a time where bricks were a sign from some architecture studio. Every school was made with the same elements and they had not its own personality. After years it has changed but the bricks stay. There still remain janitor's house then they lived at the school, he was in charge of the keeping of the building and children respect it.
La il·lustració del Marta Mata va ser potser la més delicada, perquè el centre no existeix i està convivint en el mateix espai amb l'Elisa Badia. No és una situació agradable perquè dos centres en un mateix edifici, amb dues direccions, amb dos AMPAs i amb un nombre ingent de nens i nens és complicat. És per aquesta raó que vaig proposar fer el dibuix del solar, l'espai on hauria de ser ja construït el col·legi. Era, per mi, la millor manera de reivindicar un edifici i deixar constància d'un moment i una realitat.
Marta Mata's illustration was the most picky, because there no building at all. They are sharing room with Elisa Badia School. It is not a nice situation because two schools in the same building, two headmasters, two parents association, and huge number of children is quite complicated. This is why I decided drawing the empty space where it is suppose to be built the new school. From my point of view, was the best way of stating this lack and show a moment, a reality.
El Miquel Martí i Pol és el meu segon centre (ho sento noies i nois el meu primer centre és l'Elisa Badia em tiren els records d'infantesa). El col·legi on vaig estar fent classe fou, en realitat, el primer que vaig dibuixar ja en el seu moment i aquest dibuix va ser l'origen d'aquesta sèrie. La Blava és com l'anomenen, igual que la fàbrica on va treballar el poeta Miquel Martí i Pol. Aquest ja és un centre de nova construcció amb un nou estil, allunyat del totxo. Però mal dissenyat, ho sento, a l'estiu fa una calor horrible. Tan difícil és fer un centre ben pensat? Tot i això me l'estimo molt.
Miquel Martí i Pol is my second favorite centre (I'm sorry girls and boys, my first one is Elisa Badia, my childhood memories are quite strong). It is the last school were I was teaching and, in fact, was the first illustration and it was the cause of the series. La Blava (The Blue) is how it is called, as the factory where Miquel Martí i Pol, the poet, worked once in his life. It is a new school, no bricks. Nevertheless it has the same problems, it has a bad design, I'm sorry, in summer time hot is horrible. Is it so difficult to think in such a important details? Anyway I love it.
El Picasso és el centre que menys coneixia, tot i el seu nom, però durant el temps que vaig estar dibuixant els nens i nenes no van para de preguntar-me què estava fent, si ho havi fet jo, que per què era,...
Gràcies Yaiza i tots els directors i directores dels centres de Barberà del Vallés!
Picasso School is the most unknown for me, even its name, but when I was drawing it children where asking me questions like: What is it for? Have drawn it?, What are you doing?…
Thanks to Yaiza and all the Barberà del Vallès' School!
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Barberà del Vallès,
Barberà del Vallès, Barcelona, España
Drawing in Girona.
This last weekend I went to Girona with some people from Barcelona. It was the first time we meet both groups, not everybody anyway. It was a pleasant meeting and we had opportunity to draw a military recreation of french siege of the city in 1808.

David Pradas pick up us in the train station and lead us to the cathedral, there was all of rest of girona's sketchers. We introduce each other and then started drawing

Then started a play all the people starting taking pictures and stood up in front of us, messing around.

Here it is the Queen's Throne an idea proposed by the Girona's Sketchers. All the people who come to Girona can draw from the same place. Here it is:
Mostra un mapa més gran
Then we went to have dinner in a typical local restaurant chain called König. Nice food and medium price.

Here it is the last drawing in the city of Girona. We went to city walls and there, there was a group of soldiers who represented the city defenders, leaded by the General Álvarez de Castro.
But last but not least coming back to Barcelona I drew a portrait of Santi Sallés, but it is a different story that you can find out what is all about here.
Gaudi in Barcelona. Drawing a map of Barcelona.
This August I had the opportunity to draw a map of Barcelona where the Gaudi's works will be placed with Zahorí de Ideas and Estudi Virgili for the Casa Museu Gaudí.
As you can see the first images it is the layout and over these lines there are the first roughs. Line was fine for me but the most difficult things was matching timing with amount of work as always. 
These last four pictures are from the final artwork that was scanned and then coloured digitally. On the left bottom you can see a detail of la Sagrada Familia and on the right part of the "Eixample".
Drawing ships and people
This drawing has been done using my Sailor Calligraphy for general outline and also a Lamy Safari with M nib for details. Watercolour has been following Shari Blaukopf workshop: Triad Symphony.
One thing I have got from Shari Blaukopf is that we do not need a big palette for colouring, we do not need a big infrastructure, on the other hand you should invest in good brushes or watercolours or not. It is always in your hands and you have to make a choice.
Parking Shakespeare offers for free open air classical plays in Barcelona in el Parc de l'Estació del Nord. After finishing th play an actor, Cesar "Eclectic Box"'s friend, came to us (Eclectic Box, David Ramírez and Shiem BCN and me) and talk to us about how thing are more and more difficult for actors. I showed him my drawing and noticed that it is not like a photography. Drawings are a sum up of bites of time. Here there are at least 5 different moments of the play and 30 or more different moments. Colour is in the same way as in the ship 3 or 4 at most colours. It was quite difficult to follow the thread while I was drawing. But it was great and they are amazing actors and actresses.
One thing I have got from Shari Blaukopf is that we do not need a big palette for colouring, we do not need a big infrastructure, on the other hand you should invest in good brushes or watercolours or not. It is always in your hands and you have to make a choice.
Parking Shakespeare offers for free open air classical plays in Barcelona in el Parc de l'Estació del Nord. After finishing th play an actor, Cesar "Eclectic Box"'s friend, came to us (Eclectic Box, David Ramírez and Shiem BCN and me) and talk to us about how thing are more and more difficult for actors. I showed him my drawing and noticed that it is not like a photography. Drawings are a sum up of bites of time. Here there are at least 5 different moments of the play and 30 or more different moments. Colour is in the same way as in the ship 3 or 4 at most colours. It was quite difficult to follow the thread while I was drawing. But it was great and they are amazing actors and actresses.
Exhibition along the Summer (Sketching Barcelona)
It's been a hard july the symposium ended with happy faces and everybody was excited. I really want to say thank to Mireia Trius who made it possible. Here I want to introduce one of many more videos about the Symposium and also the exhibition about the Sketching collection where you can find my awarded book "Voltant per Sants".
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Voltant per Sants
Alone, together
After a long way and a long work of what to do when Aleix asked to participate in a collective exhibition I decided to focused in my desktop and Elisabet's, my couple. They both are facing each other in the same room and they both are a reflection of us being individuals. My notes are thoughts, fears, personnal and intimate.
Enjoy Gaudí
If you have the opportunity of drawing something that you really love then you enjoy it at utmost. This is the way I felt during the whole process of drawing Gaudí's buildings. But sometimes I have suffer in front of such a amount of details, it was quite difficult to summarize, to reflect everything. It was my challenge: to draw and show his magnificent work, not doing a picture. I hope at least to be successful in some of my drawings. Enjoy Gaudí!
Galicia en tren, Jorge Arranz.
Si busques "simplicitat" trobaràs alguna cosa com això "La simplicitat és l'estat o qualitat de ser simple. Normalment es refereix a la càrrega que una cosa es posa algú que tracta d'explicar o entendre això. Una cosa que és fàcil d'entendre o explicar és simple, en contrast amb una mica complicat. ". I al costat podràs trobar "Jorge Arranz". Simple, però no estúpid, perquè quan es dibuixa com Jorge el cervell ha de funcionar al 200%. Sempre, quan veig els seus dibuixos recordo Mies van der Rohe: "Menys és més". I això és cert en el treball de Jorge. Si pots, gaudeix d'aquest meravellós llibre. I si vols, pots visitar la seva pròpia botiga.
Si buscas "simplicidad" encontrarás algo como esto "La simplicidad es el estado o cualidad de ser simple. Normalmente se refiere a la carga que una cosa se pone alguien que trata de explicar o entender eso. Algo que es fácil de entender o explicar es simple, en contraste con algo complicado. ". Y al lado podrás encontrar "Jorge Arranz". Simple, pero no estúpido, porque cuando se dibuja como Jorge el cerebro debe funcionar al 200%. Siempre, cuando veo sus dibujos me acuerdo de Mies Van der Rohe: "Menos es más". Y eso es cierto en el trabajo de Jorge. Si puedes, disfruta de este maravilloso libro. Y si lo deseas, puedes visitar su propia tienda.
If you look "simplicity" up you'll find written something like this "Simplicity is the state or quality of being simple. It usually relates to the burden which a thing puts on someone trying to explain or understand it. Something which is easy to understand or explain is simple, in contrast to something complicated." And next to it you'll find "Jorge Arranz". Simple but no stupid because when you draw like Jorge your brain should work 200%. Always when I see his drawings I remember Mies Van der Rohe: "Less is more". And that's true on Jorge's work. If you can, enjoy this wonderful book. and if you want you can visit his own shop.
Si buscas "simplicidad" encontrarás algo como esto "La simplicidad es el estado o cualidad de ser simple. Normalmente se refiere a la carga que una cosa se pone alguien que trata de explicar o entender eso. Algo que es fácil de entender o explicar es simple, en contraste con algo complicado. ". Y al lado podrás encontrar "Jorge Arranz". Simple, pero no estúpido, porque cuando se dibuja como Jorge el cerebro debe funcionar al 200%. Siempre, cuando veo sus dibujos me acuerdo de Mies Van der Rohe: "Menos es más". Y eso es cierto en el trabajo de Jorge. Si puedes, disfruta de este maravilloso libro. Y si lo deseas, puedes visitar su propia tienda.
If you look "simplicity" up you'll find written something like this "Simplicity is the state or quality of being simple. It usually relates to the burden which a thing puts on someone trying to explain or understand it. Something which is easy to understand or explain is simple, in contrast to something complicated." And next to it you'll find "Jorge Arranz". Simple but no stupid because when you draw like Jorge your brain should work 200%. Always when I see his drawings I remember Mies Van der Rohe: "Less is more". And that's true on Jorge's work. If you can, enjoy this wonderful book. and if you want you can visit his own shop.
Sònar 2013. Nous espais / Nuevos espacios / New venues
En esta entrada os voy a comentar más o menos cómo fue el proceso de hasta que llegó el video final de presentación de los nuevos espacios del Sónar 2013. Para empezar os diré que básicamente he trabajado con fotografía, algo que me ha costado bastante ya que como sabéis estoy acostumbrado a trabajar siempre de un referente real. No es un método original ya que en general todos los ilustradores en algún momento de su carrera profesional tienen que hacerlo. Una cosa que me fue muy bien fue ir tomar imágenes yo mismo. No eran para hacer un catálogo pero me sirvieron, primero para entender el espacio, y segundo para tener mi propio material. Luego tuvimos varias reuniones para entender lo que en cada espacio se vería o se podrían encontrar.
In this post I'm going to comment about how was the process until it reached the final video presentation of the new venues of Sonar 2013. First of all, I will say that I basically worked with photography, which was hard to me because as you know I'm used to work always with real referent. It is not an revolutionary method as in general all illustrators in some point in their career they have to use it. One thing that I did very well was going to take my own pictures. They were not to be used for a catalog but I served, first to understand the space, and second to have my own material. Then we had several meetings to understand what each area would be or could be found.
Sónar Barcelona 2013 - Sónar by Day - Fira Montjuïc from Sónar on Vimeo.
Me ha sorprendido mucho, pero a veces te tienes que enfrentar a un problema difícil de resolver que he leído en algún comentario sobre primer espacio, que sería el del Village. La gente se ha fijado que es un espacio abierto. Os juro que se habló y yo también lo comenté: "Este espacio necesita sombra". Está pensado pero en el mismo dibujo, por ubicación y el punto de vista que se quería dar si se dibujaba lo que se tiene pensado hacer no hubiese dejado verse el espacio de carpas para profesionales. Increíble, pero la gente se había fijado en ése detalle.
I was very surprised, but sometimes you have to face a difficult problem that I have read in some reviews about the first space, how would be the Village. People have noticed that it is an open space. I swear that I also spoke and commented: "This space needs shade." It is intended but in the same drawing, location and the view that you are asked to draw doesn't fit with more things. Unbelievable, but people had noticed that detail.
Otro problema que me ha preocupado era que se tenían enseñar muchas cosas en un mismo dibujo. La solución que pensé es hacer un dibujo fragmentado en otros "close-up" donde se vieran detalles del mismo espacio. Nada nuevo, pero muy efectivo. Hice algunos bocetos en un formato grande, mayor (DIN A4) al que estoy acostumbrado, pero no como el definitivo (DIN A3). De esta manera detalle era más grande y resultado mejor.
Another problem that has concerned me was that it had to show much in the same drawing. The solution is to make a drawing thought fragmented in other "close-up" where you could see details of the space. Nothing new, but very effective. I did some sketches in a larger format, higher (DIN A4) I'm used to, but not as the final (A3). Thus detail was bigger and better results.
In this post I'm going to comment about how was the process until it reached the final video presentation of the new venues of Sonar 2013. First of all, I will say that I basically worked with photography, which was hard to me because as you know I'm used to work always with real referent. It is not an revolutionary method as in general all illustrators in some point in their career they have to use it. One thing that I did very well was going to take my own pictures. They were not to be used for a catalog but I served, first to understand the space, and second to have my own material. Then we had several meetings to understand what each area would be or could be found.
Sónar Barcelona 2013 - Sónar by Day - Fira Montjuïc from Sónar on Vimeo.

Me ha sorprendido mucho, pero a veces te tienes que enfrentar a un problema difícil de resolver que he leído en algún comentario sobre primer espacio, que sería el del Village. La gente se ha fijado que es un espacio abierto. Os juro que se habló y yo también lo comenté: "Este espacio necesita sombra". Está pensado pero en el mismo dibujo, por ubicación y el punto de vista que se quería dar si se dibujaba lo que se tiene pensado hacer no hubiese dejado verse el espacio de carpas para profesionales. Increíble, pero la gente se había fijado en ése detalle.
I was very surprised, but sometimes you have to face a difficult problem that I have read in some reviews about the first space, how would be the Village. People have noticed that it is an open space. I swear that I also spoke and commented: "This space needs shade." It is intended but in the same drawing, location and the view that you are asked to draw doesn't fit with more things. Unbelievable, but people had noticed that detail.
Otro problema que me ha preocupado era que se tenían enseñar muchas cosas en un mismo dibujo. La solución que pensé es hacer un dibujo fragmentado en otros "close-up" donde se vieran detalles del mismo espacio. Nada nuevo, pero muy efectivo. Hice algunos bocetos en un formato grande, mayor (DIN A4) al que estoy acostumbrado, pero no como el definitivo (DIN A3). De esta manera detalle era más grande y resultado mejor.
Another problem that has concerned me was that it had to show much in the same drawing. The solution is to make a drawing thought fragmented in other "close-up" where you could see details of the space. Nothing new, but very effective. I did some sketches in a larger format, higher (DIN A4) I'm used to, but not as the final (A3). Thus detail was bigger and better results.
We are the NEW Slaves
Ho som? Probablement sí. Probablement, no ens adonem i pensem que som lliures com un ocell, però res més lluny. Estem patint un nou tipus d'esclavitud. Malauradament, m'estic adonant d'això. Un amic meu (Marcos Cuesta) em va demanar que donés suport a aquesta campanya desenvolupada per ell i un col·lega. Estic pensant en dibuixar retrats de persones desconegudes o fins i tot amics i demanar-los el seu punt de vista d'aquesta cita.
¿Lo somos? Probablemente sí. Probablemente, no nos damos cuenta y pensamos que somos libres como un pájaro, pero nada más lejos. Estamos sufriendo un nuevo tipo de esclavitud. Por desgracia, me estoy dando cuenta de eso. Un amigo mío (Marcos Cuesta) me pidió que apoyara esta campaña desarrollada por él y un colega. Estoy pensando en dibujar retratos de personas desconocidas o incluso amigos y pedirles su punto de vista de esta cita.
Are we? Probably we are. Probably we are not aware and think we are free as a bird not so far. We are suffering a new kind of slavery. Unfortunately I'm becoming aware of that.
A friend of mine (Marcos Cuesta) ask me to support this campaign developped by him and a colleague. I'm thinking about drawing portraits of unknown people or even friends and asking to them their point of view of this quotation.
"Socorro" / "Help"
Aquest és el meu últim encàrrec de "Zahorí de Ideas". He il·lustrat un llibre de "Fes-ho tu mateix" per a aquells o aquelles que volen ser més independents a casa. Pots obtenir alguns consells i trucs per cuinar, reparar una aixeta que degoti o simplement vols doblegar una camisa de coll. He de dir que he après molt i ara em plaça meves pròpies coses.
Éste es mi último encargo de "Zahorí de Ideas". He ilustrado un libro de "Hazlo tu mismo" para aquellos o aquellas que quieren ser más independientes en su casa. Puedes obtener algunos consejos y trucos para cocinar, reparar un grifo que gotee o simplemente deseas doblar una camisa de cuello. Tengo que decir que he aprendido mucho y ahora me coso mis propias cosas.
This is my latest commision from "Zahorí de Ideas". I have illustrated a DIY book for those who want to become more independent at home. You can get some tips and tricks for cooking, repairing a licking tap or just you want to fold a collar shirt. I have to say that I have learnt a lot and now I sew my own stuff.
Aquesta és la portada final. Era difícil decidir entre altres opcions, però crec que mostra quantes coses es poden trobar dins del llibre.
Ésta es la portada final. Era difícil decidir entre otras opciones, pero creo que muestra cuántas cosas se pueden encontrar dentro del libro.
This is the final cover. It was hard to decide among others options but I think it shows how many things you can find inside the book.

La majoria dels dibuixos van ser presos dels meus records, per exemple, aquest aigüera és més o menys com la que la meva dona i jo vam tenir quan ens trobàvem a la nostra pròpia botiga. Era gran, amb una aixeta gran, probablement dels anys setanta.
La mayoría de los dibujos fueron tomados de mis recuerdos, por ejemplo, este fregadero es más o menos como la que mi esposa y yo tuvimos cuando nos encontramos nuestro propio taller. Era grande, con un grifo grande, probablemente de los años setenta.
Most of the drawings were taken from my memories, for instance this sink is more less like the one my wife and I had when we run our own shop. It big with a big tap, probably from the seventies.
Els "Pas a pas" són difícils perquè has de ser tan clar com sigui possible i cal mostrar el millor moment del procés en cadascun d'ells.
Los "Paso a paso" son difíciles porque debes ser lo más claro posible y hay que mostrar el mejor momento del proceso en cada uno de ellos.
The "Step by step" are tricky because you should be as clear as you can and you have to show the best point in the process in each of them.
Afortunadament alguns dels dibuixos estaven molt lluny de del clàssic llibre "Pas a pas" i he estat bastant lliure en el desenvolupament de les il · lustracions.
Afortunadamente algunos de los dibujos estaban muy lejos de del clásico libro "Paso a paso" y he sido bastante libre en el desarrollo de las ilustraciones.
Fortunately some of the drawings were far away from the classical "Step by step" book and I have been quite free developing the illustrations.
Éste es mi último encargo de "Zahorí de Ideas". He ilustrado un libro de "Hazlo tu mismo" para aquellos o aquellas que quieren ser más independientes en su casa. Puedes obtener algunos consejos y trucos para cocinar, reparar un grifo que gotee o simplemente deseas doblar una camisa de cuello. Tengo que decir que he aprendido mucho y ahora me coso mis propias cosas.
This is my latest commision from "Zahorí de Ideas". I have illustrated a DIY book for those who want to become more independent at home. You can get some tips and tricks for cooking, repairing a licking tap or just you want to fold a collar shirt. I have to say that I have learnt a lot and now I sew my own stuff.
Aquesta és la portada final. Era difícil decidir entre altres opcions, però crec que mostra quantes coses es poden trobar dins del llibre.
Ésta es la portada final. Era difícil decidir entre otras opciones, pero creo que muestra cuántas cosas se pueden encontrar dentro del libro.
This is the final cover. It was hard to decide among others options but I think it shows how many things you can find inside the book.

La majoria dels dibuixos van ser presos dels meus records, per exemple, aquest aigüera és més o menys com la que la meva dona i jo vam tenir quan ens trobàvem a la nostra pròpia botiga. Era gran, amb una aixeta gran, probablement dels anys setanta.
La mayoría de los dibujos fueron tomados de mis recuerdos, por ejemplo, este fregadero es más o menos como la que mi esposa y yo tuvimos cuando nos encontramos nuestro propio taller. Era grande, con un grifo grande, probablemente de los años setenta.
Most of the drawings were taken from my memories, for instance this sink is more less like the one my wife and I had when we run our own shop. It big with a big tap, probably from the seventies.

Els "Pas a pas" són difícils perquè has de ser tan clar com sigui possible i cal mostrar el millor moment del procés en cadascun d'ells.
Los "Paso a paso" son difíciles porque debes ser lo más claro posible y hay que mostrar el mejor momento del proceso en cada uno de ellos.
The "Step by step" are tricky because you should be as clear as you can and you have to show the best point in the process in each of them.

Afortunadament alguns dels dibuixos estaven molt lluny de del clàssic llibre "Pas a pas" i he estat bastant lliure en el desenvolupament de les il · lustracions.
Afortunadamente algunos de los dibujos estaban muy lejos de del clásico libro "Paso a paso" y he sido bastante libre en el desarrollo de las ilustraciones.
Fortunately some of the drawings were far away from the classical "Step by step" book and I have been quite free developing the illustrations.
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