In this post I'm going to comment about how was the process until it reached the final video presentation of the new venues of Sonar 2013. First of all, I will say that I basically worked with photography, which was hard to me because as you know I'm used to work always with real referent. It is not an revolutionary method as in general all illustrators in some point in their career they have to use it. One thing that I did very well was going to take my own pictures. They were not to be used for a catalog but I served, first to understand the space, and second to have my own material. Then we had several meetings to understand what each area would be or could be found.
Sónar Barcelona 2013 - Sónar by Day - Fira Montjuïc from Sónar on Vimeo.

Me ha sorprendido mucho, pero a veces te tienes que enfrentar a un problema difícil de resolver que he leído en algún comentario sobre primer espacio, que sería el del Village. La gente se ha fijado que es un espacio abierto. Os juro que se habló y yo también lo comenté: "Este espacio necesita sombra". Está pensado pero en el mismo dibujo, por ubicación y el punto de vista que se quería dar si se dibujaba lo que se tiene pensado hacer no hubiese dejado verse el espacio de carpas para profesionales. Increíble, pero la gente se había fijado en ése detalle.
I was very surprised, but sometimes you have to face a difficult problem that I have read in some reviews about the first space, how would be the Village. People have noticed that it is an open space. I swear that I also spoke and commented: "This space needs shade." It is intended but in the same drawing, location and the view that you are asked to draw doesn't fit with more things. Unbelievable, but people had noticed that detail.
Otro problema que me ha preocupado era que se tenían enseñar muchas cosas en un mismo dibujo. La solución que pensé es hacer un dibujo fragmentado en otros "close-up" donde se vieran detalles del mismo espacio. Nada nuevo, pero muy efectivo. Hice algunos bocetos en un formato grande, mayor (DIN A4) al que estoy acostumbrado, pero no como el definitivo (DIN A3). De esta manera detalle era más grande y resultado mejor.
Another problem that has concerned me was that it had to show much in the same drawing. The solution is to make a drawing thought fragmented in other "close-up" where you could see details of the space. Nothing new, but very effective. I did some sketches in a larger format, higher (DIN A4) I'm used to, but not as the final (A3). Thus detail was bigger and better results.
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