Clermont-Ferrand. Il faut aller voir!
Això és el poc que vaig poder dibuixar a Clermont-Ferrand, afortunadament, no vaig parar, però m'hagués agradat poder visitar la ciutat. Espero repetir el proper any. La gent no va parar van ser munts i munts de persones i totes estaven interessades en la teva obra. Potser el fet de poder parlar en francés em va ajudar. L'experiència es mereix un 10. El grup que vàrem ser va ser genial (Pierre Amoudry, Jorge Arranz, Adolfo Arranz, Álvaro Carnicero, Josu Maroto, Òscar Julve, Luis Ruiz, Joao Catarino, Inma Serrano, Arturo Redondo, Joaquín Gonzalez Dorao, Miguel Herranz, Omar Jaramillo, Lapin, Enrique Flores, Juliet Pomés,... em deixo a algú? sí, Sagar). No us perdeu les seves pàgines amb els seus treballs.
Esto es lo poco que pude dibujar en Clermont-Ferrand, afortunadamente, no paré, pero me hubiera gustado poder visitar la ciudad. Espero repetir el próximo año. La gente no paró fueron montones y montones de personas y todas estaban interesadas en tu obra. Quizás el hecho de poder hablar en francés me ayudó. La experiencia se merece un 10. El grupo que fuimos fue genial (Pierre Amoudry, Jorge Arranz, Adolfo Arranz, Álvaro Carnicero, Josu Maroto, Òscar Julve, Luis Ruiz, Joao Catarino, Inma Serrano, Arturo Redondo, Joaquín Gonzalez Dorao, Miguel Herranz, Omar Jaramillo, Lapin, Enrique Flores, Juliet Pomés,... ¿me dejo a alguien? sí, Sagar). No os perdáis sus páginas con sus trabajos.
That's how little I could draw in Clermont-Ferrand, fortunately, I did not stop, but would have liked to visit the city. I hope to repeat next year. People did not stop were lots and lots of people were interested in all your work. Maybe being able to speak French helped me. The experience deserves a 10. The group was great that we were (Pierre Amoudry, Jorge Arranz, Adolfo Arranz, Álvaro Carnicero, Josu Maroto, Òscar Julve, Luis Ruiz, Joao Catarino, Inma Serrano, Arturo Redondo, Joaquín Gonzalez Dorao, Miguel Herranz, Omar Jaramillo, Lapin, Enrique Flores, Juliet Pomés,... Do I have missed anyone?... Yes, Sagar). Do not miss your pages with their work.
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Il faut aller voir,
Urban Sketchers
La porta Miralles.
I'm working on Gaudi's works. This gate was built just for protect Miralles properties. Right now it is strange to find a gate like this protecting nothing, standing this way it is a non-sense but it is a Gaudi's work and we should respect it. Probably is one of his works less visited.
I drew it next to Freekhand. We spoke about drawing and how we start a drawing and many more must we have to follow depending on the end of itself. Besides you have to pay atention to the motorcycle parked on the left. It is a Montesa Impala, a well-known bike in the 60's and also in the 80's.
I drew it next to Freekhand. We spoke about drawing and how we start a drawing and many more must we have to follow depending on the end of itself. Besides you have to pay atention to the motorcycle parked on the left. It is a Montesa Impala, a well-known bike in the 60's and also in the 80's.
Park Güell with tourist but, who cares?
Yesterday we visit the Park Güell. As I have written on my sketchbook I might draw this landscape three hundred times or even more. I can't understand people that behave as common photographers who believe that it is enough drawing or taking a picture just once.
Dibuixant sobre una tablet / Dibujando sobre una tablet / Drawing on a tablet
Aquest és el meu primer dibuix del que estic prou satisfet, però encara queda molt de camí per fer. Nova eina, nous processos.
Últimamente se ha incrementado el debate sobre si dibujar sobre una tablet sería aceptable en el movimiento de Urban Sketchers. Para mí no hay duda de que el soporte no condiciona la actitud, pero el hecho es que al final el resultado no es el mismo. Existe el mismo debate en el mundo del audiovisual: ¿el digital supera a lo analógico? ¿Un DVD aguantará tanto como el celuloide? De aquí a cien años lo sabrán. De momento es lo que hay. Todo nuevo formato es inestable, lo fue la fotografía. Pero siempre acaba sobre el papel. Decidme romántico pero un cuaderno es insuperable. Al final, lo que estamos creando es un objeto y tener algo "real" entre las manos es lo mejor. Aunque nosotros acabamos escaneando (digitalizando) nuestros dibujos. Es por eso que lo que queremos es verlos en directo, mirar los cuadernos, disfrutar. Eso sí, por la noche puedes dibujar muy bien con una tablet.
Éste es el primer dibujo del que estoy bastante satisfecho, pero aún queda mucho camino por recorrer. Nueva herramienta, nuevos procesos.
Lately it has increased the debate about if drawing on a tablet would be acceptable in the movement of Urban Sketchers. For me there is no doubt that the media does not condition the attitude, but the fact is that the end result is not the same. There is the same debate in the broadcast world: the digital beats analog? A DVD will hold as much as the celluloid? In a hundred years will know. For now it is what it is. All new format is unstable, it was photography. But always we lay on paper. Tell me romantic but a notebook is unsurpassed. At the end we are creating an object and having on your hands something "real" is better than something "digital". Nevertheless, we scan our drawings (digitalizing). This is why we want to see them "life", we want to look at them and enjoy them. Anyway, at night you can draw very well with a tablet.
This is the first drawing I'm pretty satisfied, but there is still some way to go along. New tools, new processes.
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