La Plaza Mayor is more or less like the Mall in the United States cities, but adding four centuries more. Here just next to the city church, devoted to St. Martin, there is a Pizarro's statue. For those who doesn't anything about him in short he lived in fifteenth century, he was an illegitimate son, had a brother from his second mother's marriage with whom went to Peru. I had some expedition to America, had some figths and, finally was assassinated.
Aquest dibuix em va recordar a la Plaça Juan Bravo de Segovia,
Em va agradar molt, el dibuix. I la foto de Castilla La Mancha és molt il·lustrativa.
Segovia, i concretament la Plaça i l'església de Sant Martín que l'acompanya, també.
Gràcies per el comentari a CintesdeColors, l'he estat canviant i afegint cosetes que tenia a l'ordinador i no tenia projecció exterior.