Drawing in Châtel-Guyon for Route de Villes d'Eaux 2/2

Last days in Châtel-Guyon where really a bit stressful, but I needed to take a break and on Saturday morning I decided to go and draw a tractor a wonderful Ferguson - 30. From the old days when Châtel-Guyon still kept some farmers from its old days. 

I draw this tractor because sometimes you must to pay an homage to someone who has given and share so much to everybody. This person was Florian Afflerbach. I met him in Lisbon in 2010, we didn't talk too much to each other because I'm a shy person with those who I see as a model, and now I regret it to myself. He was one of the formers founders of Urban Sketchers. He was an architect but he didn't fit to nowadays architects profiles, who mainly do not draw. They just use computers. Anyway, he was really fan of drawing cars and he and Lapin were about to teach a workshop in the Manchester Urban Sketchers Symposium. It is a shame but his artwork and wise teaching remains among many of us. Thank you so much!

Eating in France has become a really nice experience, I have enjoyed plenty of great french dishes, plenty of good cheese and plenty of good wine. Every day at Châtel-Guyon, I had supper and breakfast at the Hôtel Spa Thermalia were I was delighted with for instance choux à la crème as a dessert or lobster... Before I left Châtel-Guyon I decided to eat at Villa M, great experience eating croustillant de Saint Nectaire, salade de jeunes pousses, suprème de Poulet fermier Label Rouge, Curry doux, Épeutre et Lentilles Corail. Finally as a dessert I choose un petit pot façon Viennois, Chocolat, Chantilly à la Banane Verte. 

Before I left Châtel-Guyon and my hotel, Hotel Spa Thermalia, I wanted to get an idea of my all my work done along five days. Hard work indeed but really pleasant. Nevertheless, I had to draw a last sketch, the one of rue Baraduc with the market. full of people and stalls, with different regional products or clothes. There was also a band which was part of the Jazz Festival, Jazz aux Sources.


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